Friday, December 01, 2006


ScrittiTickitti, originally uploaded by Southcoasting.

Last post from LA, I think.

Went to see Scritti Politti on Sunset Boulevard on my first night in LA. Was wandering down past the Roxy, about quarter to ten, asked at the door and they still had tickets. That would never happen in England. Couldn't believe it. The band played some new songs (Boom Boom Bap) and some old (Skank Bloc Bologna, The Sweetest Girl) and some hits (Word Girl). Green kept apologising - but they were great. Such a sweet voice, such brilliant songs.

Scritti Politti - The Sweetest Girl

And the following night I got to see a variety of bands in the tiny Kat Club just down the street which was basically a tiny bar that had the cheek to charge $8 to see four local acts. Most of the audience was dressed up for Halloween and had come to see one act - who was fine in a Tori Amos dresden Dolls kinda way, but a bit up herself. When she was finished the bar pretty much emptied, which was really annoying (I mean - rent a crowd, but tell 'em to have the decency to cheer the other acts).

I would have felt ripped off had Taylor Cornell not been playing. She was superb - great voice, great songs.

Check her out here on myspace.

And so long LA, I hope to see you again....

LAX airport

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